Dr. Sharon Gahnz Scholarship Honoring Tyler Joe Senner for a Student with Dyslexia

This is a $1000 scholarship awarded each semester to a UWSP student with documented Dyslexia (Reading Disability).


This is a $1000 scholarship awarded each semester to a UWSP student with documented Dyslexia (Reading Disability). The GPA used is from the previous semester, and the scholarship amount will be applied to the tuition account for the following semester. Please do not be discouraged by the number of pages of this application, the main purpose of which is to understand and get to know the applicant's situation. Please fill out as much information with which you are able and comfortable.


Tyler Joe Senner was killed in an automobile accident on January 3, 1995. Tyler had been a student at UWSP and was enrolled at UW Stout in the hotel management program at the time of the accident. He struggled with the reading and spelling difficulties of his Dyslexia all his life, and his first GPA over a 3.0 had just been earned the previous semester.  He died before he received his grade report. This scholarship will benefit other students who are managing the difficulties of a Dyslexia learning disability. Tyler’s mother, Dr. Sharon Gahnz, is Emeritus Director of the Counseling Center at UWSP, and his stepfather, Dixon Gahnz, is retired from Domtar (formerly Georgia Pacific). His brother, Talin Senner, is a graduate of UWSP and owns his own business with an office in Stevens Point—Wildcard Corp:  Security-Technology-Solutions.


To recognize and reward academic achievement which reflects hard work and commitment by students who are managing their Dyslexia (Reading Disability).


  • Undergraduate students at UWSP with a diagnosis of Dyslexia (Reading Disability).
  • An evaluation and diagnosis of Dyslexia (Reading Disability) by a licensed psychologist, licensed neuropsychologist, and/or M Team report that includes a school psychologist.  Include a copy of an IEP (Individualized Education Program) report (required by federal law).
  • A GPA of 3.0 or higher for the semester prior to applying for this scholarship.
  • Good academic standing:  (If your current cumulative and semester grade point average is 2.00 (C) or above, you are in good academic standing.)
  • Consideration will be given to an applicant who has a 3.0 GPA in their major, has had one semester of a 3.0 GPA, and who has an improving GPA over the time enrolled.  
  • Demonstrated participation in extracurricular activities, community service or employment will enhance the application

Application Requirements 

Applications are available online or from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) in 108 Collins Classroom Center. Completed applications may be submitted electronically (preferred) or directly to the DRC.

1. Documentation of Diagnosis: The student must submit documentation from the licensed psychologist, licensed neuropsychologist,  M Team report, and an IEP that includes a school psychologist that states the student has Dyslexia (Reading Disability.) A copy from your DRC file can be requested by emailing drc@uwsp.edu and forwarded with your application.

2. Academic Records: The student must submit an unofficial grade report obtained from accesSPoint or the Office of the Registrar (101 SSC, 346-4301) to show grade progression over the time of enrollment as a college student. There is no charge if the student picks it up and attaches it to the application before submitting it.

3. Letters of Support: Applications must include two letters of support: One from a UWSP faculty member who has taught a course taken by the student and one from a UWSP faculty or staff member of the student's choosing.  Letters of support must not be from DRC staff. Letters of support should address how the student has adapted their Dyslexia (Reading Disability) to the classroom and to other aspects of Academic/University life. 

Checklist for Submission Options (Choose A, B, or C)

  1. Apply using Online Application
    1. Applicant Information: Section A 
    2. Questions Answered: Section B
    3. Upload Two Letters of Support
    4. Upload a copy of your documentation from the licensed psychologist, licensed neuropsychologist, M Team report, and an IEP that includes a school psychologist that states the student has Dyslexia. (A copy can be obtained from Disability Services)
  2. Apply using the Video Application
    1. Applicant Information: Section A 
    2. Questions Answered: Section B (Upload your video)
    3. Upload Two Letters of Support
    4. Upload a copy of your documentation from the licensed psychologist, licensed neuropsychologist, M Team report, and an IEP that includes a school psychologist that states the student has Dyslexia. (A copy can be obtained from Disability Services)
  3. Download Application and submit to Disability Services
    1. Applicant Information: Section A
    2. Questions Answered: Section B
    3. Attach Two Letters of Support
    4. Attach a copy of your documentation from the licensed psychologist, licensed neuropsychologist, M Team report, and an IEP that includes a school psychologist that states the student has Dyslexia. (A copy can be obtained from Disability Services)

A. Tyler Joe Online Application

Please fill out as much information you are able and comfortable. The main purpose of which is to understand and get to know your situation.

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B. Tyler Joe Video Application

Use this form to apply for the Tyler Joe scholarship. You can also submit a video with the answers to this application in lieu of writing it.

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